Life Roseacres Hospital: 011 842 7651 
Clinix SK Matseke Hospital: 010 023 8162 




Grommets are small tubes that are inserted into the eardrum to allow air to enter the middle ear and prevent a build-up of fluid.



Antrostomy is a surgical procedure to enlarge the opening (ostium) of the maxillary sinus. This allows for further surgical intervention within the maxillary sinus cavity as well as improved sinus drainage.



Tonsillectomy is the surgical dissection of the tonsils, two tissue pads that run along either side at the end of the throat. A tonsillectomy relieves enlarged, bleeding tonsils and treats chronic tonsillitis.



Adenoidectomy is a procedure to remove large infected adenoid glands that safeguard the body against viruses or bacteria.



A thin, flexible tube with a light and camera is inserted through the nose or mouth and down into the lungs. This allows doctors to see any abnormalities in the airways, such as tumors, inflammation, or blockages.


Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid

Bone-anchored hearing aids are a type of hearing aid that uses bone conduction to transmit sound. BAHAs are typica. BAHAs can be an effective way to improve hearing for people with conductive hearing loss or single-sided deafness.



A surgical procedure that creates a new opening between the tear sac and the nose. This is done to bypass a blockage in the tear drainage system, which can cause tearing and other symptoms. 


Direct Laryngoscopy

A procedure that allows doctors to visualize the larynx. This is done by inserting a laryngoscope, a long, thin instrument with a light and mirror, into the mouth and down the throat. The laryngoscope lifts the epiglottis, a flap of tissue that covers the larynx, so that doctors can see the vocal cords.


Exostosis Removal

Exostectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a bony growth, or exostosis. Exostoses can cause pain, discomfort, and impaired function.

Ear, Nose and Throat

Foreign bodies in the ear, nose and airway

Foreign bodies in the ear, nose, and throat are a common problem, especially in children. Foreign bodies in the ENT region can cause a variety of symptoms, including pain, hearing loss, difficulty breathing, and infection. These Foreign bodies need to be removed.


Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

A minimally invasive surgical procedure that is used to treat chronic sinusitis. The goal is to open up the sinuses and improve drainage, which can help to relieve symptoms such as congestion, pressure, pain, and postnasal drip.



A surgical procedure to repair a hole in the eardrum. The hole is repaired by placing a graft made of either a small piece of tissue from elsewhere on the body, or a gel-like material.



A surgical procedure to remove the mastoid bone. The mastoid bone is often involved in infections of the middle ear, and mastoidectomy may be performed to remove infected tissue and improve drainage. Mastoidectomy may also be performed to remove tumors of the mastoid bone.


Nasal Fracture Reduction

A procedure to realign the bones of the nose that have been broken. Nasal fractures are the most common type of facial fracture, and they can be caused by a variety of factors, such as falls, sports injuries, and car accidents.



A surgical procedure to straighten the septum, which is the wall that divides the nose into two nostrils. The septum can become deviated, or crooked, due to injury, birth defects, or chronic inflammation. This can cause breathing problems, such as difficulty breathing through one nostril, snoring, and sleep apnea.



A surgical procedure to repair the eardrum (tympanic membrane). Tympanoplasty is a successful treatment for most people with a perforated eardrum.